Hi folks! These aren’t upates…these are things you NEED TO KNOW. Like you need to know not to drink Drano. Or that I like vanilla cake for my birthday, thank you. The first thing you NEED TO KNOW is that…
Category: Conventions
Travels Past and Future! or, Come See Me At RWA!
Hello my pretties! I’m just back from London. I was up with the birds, and have been impatiently waiting for the soup fog surrounding Greensburg to lift, so I can take my walkies. In the meantime, I will say hello…
Moderator: Moderate Thyself!
Last weekend I was at Malice Domestic, where I moderated a fun panel of paranormal writers. I love moderating and I’m pretty good at it, not least because it’s what I do for a living. In many ways, teaching at…
Romantic Times Roundup
Hi folks! Another Romantic Times has come and gone, and I’ve got the spinning brainz to prove it. 🙂 Here’s a picture round up of the bulk of the action. The first day I got in, I spent a lot…
It Is Upon Us: Romantic Times 2012!
Hi folks! Tomorrow I leave for RT 2012! YAY! It’s in Chicago this year, and I’ll be busy. Here’s my schedule for those of you interested in coming to see me. Remember, too, that the big book fair on Saturday…
Debauchercon! I Mean, Bouchercon!
Hi folks! I’m happy to announce that I survived Bouchercon! It was so much fun, I don’t know where to begin. Okay, that’s a lie, as I know exactly where to begin: with Friday. Friday I got in that evening,…
AAD: or, Philly, I Hardly Knew Ye!
Howdy folks! I’m back in Greensburg, believe it or not! I came home to a dusty, but intact, apartment. Yay! Then I had TWO FULL DAYS of meetings for the day job. It was intense! But great seeing my colleagues…
RomCon Rumbled…
Hi folks! I’m back from RomCon in Denver. I went last year, and although the con was significantly smaller than it was, it was still fun. Not least because we were hosted by the fierce creatures otherwise known of as…
Repatriation, More Travels, Mario’s Bullwhip, and some Pimpage!
Hello mah friends! This finds me writing from Illinois, for I have been repatriated. I came back from London on Monday, and I only cried a tiny, tiny bit. Mostly because I was too tired to summon the energy for…
Romantic Times Love Fest with Rachael Herron
Hello folks! Just wanted to show you the video interview that Rachael Herron and I did at Romantic Times, which is quite the love fest. She’s an awesome lady, and thanks to RT for letting us do this! Fun!