Things I Like! And FEAR MY STING!

So, first things first: I’ve had a wasp named after me, which might be the coolest thing EVER. You can read about it here. And here. And here (snarky!). And here……. and about a gajillion other places. Apparently this is…

Things You Need To Know!

Hi folks! These aren’t upates…these are things you NEED TO KNOW. Like you need to know not to drink Drano. Or that I like vanilla cake for my birthday, thank you. The first thing you NEED TO KNOW is that…

Updates + Pimpage = Contest!

In VERY exciting news, Jane now has an Italian title! It’s La Principessa Delle Tempeste. HOW CUTE IS THAT? And I can’t wait to see what they do with the cover! You can see a conversation about Jane in Italian,…

Seattle: Reunions and Signings and Reunions, Oh My!

The day after Kat’s signing (with which I left you, last), Mark Henry and I had our OWN signing. It was also supposed to be our Edinburgh Reunion night, with everyone getting together beforehand. So Ruth and I didn’t want…

RT in Review

I have one thing to say about Romantic Times: I loved it. The fans were awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN with the League and the other authors, and the con, itself, couldn’t have been more well organized. I also…