Speaking and Teaching

As the director of an MFA with over ten years of classroom experience, I know how to teach writing and motivate an audience. From beginning writers and creatives to those finishing up major projects, I have workshops and talks designed for every level. Below you’ll find a sampling of what I offer. Speaker fees are negotiable. Please be in touch using my contact form at the end if you’d like more information.

Editorial and tutoring services available for select clients. Inquire below for availability and rates.


MICRO-POETRY/MICRO-MEMOIR: This fun, 3-hour workshop is for those who just want to get comfortable writing and sharing, and is perfect for high-school students or adults without a lot of experience writing. In this workshop, I introduce them to the work of Yrsa Daley-Ward, and we create our own micro-poems or micro-memoirs that are perfect either for Instragram or hanging in our rooms.

REVISION: This intensive, 3-hour workshop is for those who have a finished product, be it a novel or short story. After a lecture introducing a variety of tricks to aid revision, we practice both a macrocosmic and a microcosmic method for revising your manuscript, and students leave with a bespoke plan of next steps.

THE MARATHON OF WRITING AND GETTING OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY: Another intensive, 3-hour workshop for writers of any level. No matter where you are in your career, you’re probably struggling with something. That’s the nature of the business. This workshop provides motivation alongside some practical tips and tools.

FINDING AGENTS. WRITING QUERIES: Just what it says on the box. Any level, can be shorter or longer depending on what you need.

TIME-MANAGEMENT FOR WRITERS: This 1-1/2 hour workshop is perfect for beginning writers, especially those struggling to find time to put pen to paper.

MURDER MAKES IT BETTER: Adding a mystery sub-plot to your romance or urban fantasy can really get your book racing, but you don’t want it to overwhelm your main genre. This workshop, perfect for all levels if inexperienced with mystery, will answer some of these questions. Involves building a mystery plot with the class.

THOSE WHO CAN, TEACH: Writers have so many opportunities to teach, from classrooms to convention workshops. In this module, I share my years of experience teaching. Can be tailored to suit the desires of the audience given advanced notice.

GETTING UNDER THE HOOD THROUGH CLOSE READING: This short workshop, perfect for beginners, uses techniques from literary criticism to help us see how books are built so we can make our own.

WRITING URBAN FANTASY: Ideal for any level if inexperienced with Urban Fantasy, this workshop takes us through the history of the genre and imparts some practical tips on writing your own. Involves a group exercise creating an urban fantasy plot.

Want something you don’t see here? Contact me below and we can talk.