When Our Parents Are Fighting

Some of you may know that my publishing company, Hachette, is feuding with Amazon. Others of you may be sweetly oblivious, because I’m not sure how much it affects individual readers. For consumers, it probably isn’t yet a big deal.…


Put your hands in the air if you’re a true playah! Or just buy some of these books. EITHER WILL BE HELLA FUN. Basically everyone and their mother had some releases this week. EVERYONE. RELEASING. EVERYWHERE. Here are a few:…

Things You Need To Know!

Hi folks! These aren’t upates…these are things you NEED TO KNOW. Like you need to know not to drink Drano. Or that I like vanilla cake for my birthday, thank you. The first thing you NEED TO KNOW is that…

RT Schedule, UK Editions, and More!

So, I’ve had a ridiculously exciting week and to top it off, I get to fly out to Romantic Times tomorrow! Here’s my schedule for those also attending: Wednesday: Find other Leaguers and snark Thursday: Between snarking, attend Club RT…

Where in the World is Nicole Peeler?

I’m all over the place! For example, this weekend I’ll be doing a signing with Gail Carriger and Jaye Wells, in Houston. We Orbiteers are all VERY proud of Gail, who just made it on the NYTimes bestseller list! YAY…

Another Weiner! And I Can’t Stop GIVING SHIT AWAY!

So many exciting things here at the Emporium! First of all, can I just say HOW AWESOME were your comments for Werewolf Smackdown. Seriously? SO COOL. You all made me SO HUNGRY with the food ideas/recipes (Thom, you’re amazing), but…