Repatriation, More Travels, Mario’s Bullwhip, and some Pimpage!

Hello mah friends! This finds me writing from Illinois, for I have been repatriated. I came back from London on Monday, and I only cried a tiny, tiny bit. Mostly because I was too tired to summon the energy for…

Release Part 1, Updates, and Obscure Fury Spoilers!

Hello mah beauties, Today is July 26th, which means it’s the day that Amazon ships book four, Eye of the Tempest! It’s already been out all over the place in bookstores, and it’s not quite out in e-reader (that will…

Travels and Pimpage

All rightie folks, it’s that time of year: Dr. Peeler is on the move. When summer hits I’m like Flash Gordon . . . only chubbier. And a girl. I am writing this post from Elburn, Illinois, at my parent’s…

RT in Review

I have one thing to say about Romantic Times: I loved it. The fans were awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN with the League and the other authors, and the con, itself, couldn’t have been more well organized. I also…