Hello my friends! I know I haven’t done one of these in a while, mostly because I haven’t been cooking. I live alone, and don’t really entertain much in Pennsylvania, so cooking hasn’t been top of my list. That said,…
Category: Food!
Eurovision 2011!
Why hello there! I’m trapped in JFK, having “missed” my flight to Pittsburgh due to a series of clusterfuck conditions at Heathrow and at JFK. I say “missed” as I was actually at my original flight’s gate before it even…
Cooking with Nicole: Eggplant Stew with Potatoes, Mushrooms, and Chickpeas
Hello my darlings! Last night I made the most fabulous vegetarian stew that I HAD to blog about. It seriously rocked my casbah. I took the recipe from what has to be the ultimate vegetarian cookbook. If you are a…
Cooking With Nicole: Enchilada Pie
This week, I’ll be showing you how I make my enchilada pie, which is sort of like a Tex-Mex lasagna. I don’t use a recipe for this, and I make it differently all the time. But the basic ingredients are…
Cooking With Nicole: Seven-Layer Dip
Today, mah friends, I’m going to show just where you can stick that tomato rose from last week: directly into this seven-layer dip! Yes, it’s another seventies staple. You’ve undoubtedly had a version of this dip. They’ve become common at…
Cooking With Nicole: Turkey Tacos, or “Put a Bunch of Shit in a Pot”
For those who have followed me here or on Twitter, you know I love tacos of all kinds. I’ve tweeted a lot of pictures of tacos in my day: chorizo tacos, tongue tacos, goat tacos, tacos in fancy restaurants, tacos…
“All Ratted Up Like a Teenage Jezebel….”
I love me some big hair . . . So I jumped at Matt and Mariah’s wedding as a chance to get me an enormous beehive. I have what I like to refer to as a Secret Shit-Ton of Hair,…
Seattle: Reunions and Signings and Reunions, Oh My!
The day after Kat’s signing (with which I left you, last), Mark Henry and I had our OWN signing. It was also supposed to be our Edinburgh Reunion night, with everyone getting together beforehand. So Ruth and I didn’t want…
UK Releases and More Seattle Shenanigans
First off, today’s the UK release of Tempest Rising and Tracking the Tempest. Could I be more excited? The books themselves look slightly different: The covers have been given a sort of Frank Miller-esque, gothier colouring scheme (did you enjoy…
Seattle Part Deux
Buon giorno, folks! I’ve been having a great time in Seattle. Last Saturday, I was able to go out with my friends who are getting married, Matt and Mariah. Matt and I met in Edinburgh, where we were both doing…