Updates! Reviews! Pimpage! LONDON!

Hello my lovelies! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I had our June residency for our MFA, and that’s always a ton of work (albeit very fun work). Our MFA in Writing Popular Fiction is what they call a “low-residency” degree, meaning…

This Just In: San Francisco and LitCrawl!

I’m a big fan of crawling: nightcrawling, pubcrawling, dropped-my-contact-crawling . . . and now LitCrawling! After having planned a completely spontaneous, last-minute trip to go see my lovely friend, Jana, in San Francisco, I sent one of my typically annoying…

So Many New Releases . . . So Little Time

Hello, everybody! I had a great time over at Babel Clash, where Jaye Wells and I showed off our love of snark, non-traditional heroines, and F-words of all types. If you missed it, check out our posts, here. There’s some…

RT Schedule, UK Editions, and More!

So, I’ve had a ridiculously exciting week and to top it off, I get to fly out to Romantic Times tomorrow! Here’s my schedule for those also attending: Wednesday: Find other Leaguers and snark Thursday: Between snarking, attend Club RT…

Where in the World is Nicole Peeler?

I’m all over the place! For example, this weekend I’ll be doing a signing with Gail Carriger and Jaye Wells, in Houston. We Orbiteers are all VERY proud of Gail, who just made it on the NYTimes bestseller list! YAY…