Update on World Domination……..

Hello, friends! I know, I know, it’s been forever since my last update. But I’ve been so busy, between Day Job and the writerings. First off, we had our residency, for our MFA in Popular Fiction. It’s an awesome program…

Is That a Lady Suit, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Hey folks! I’m officially starting the new book, but my editor and I have made some huge changes to what I originally submitted. All the ideas are awesome, but they’ve definitely gummed up the writing. It’s funny how a few…

Book Deal and Day Job Announcements!

I am so excited to announce all sorts of good stuff! First of all, there’s going to be MORE JANE TRUE! Orbit has bought Jane True, Books 4, 5, and 6. Don’t ask me what they’re going to be called,…

When My Ears Burn, It HAS To Be Good . . .

For this Monday I thought I’d fire off a couple of recommendations. One is a film and one is a novel, but what both have in common is some of the most creative, hilarious use of vulgar language I’ve heard…