I am so excited to announce all sorts of good stuff!
First of all, there’s going to be MORE JANE TRUE! Orbit has bought Jane True, Books 4, 5, and 6. Don’t ask me what they’re going to be called, because I am totally stuck. “Tempest” related names seemed like SUCH a good idea . . . till I ran the fuck out of ideas. Number six might wind up “Tempest Bledsoe.” Just a warning.
But, names aside, there’s going to be MORE JANE! Which makes me so unbelievably happy, not least because I can continue working with everyone at Orbit. They’ve been SO great, and I feel so very honored and humbled by their faith in me.
So that’s some huge news, and very exciting. But equally huge and exciting is that I am on the move, again!
I’ve adored my time at LSUS. My colleagues and students couldn’t have been more amazing. But my life has changed so much with the publication of the books, and it’s more than a little scary working for Louisiana higher ed when there’s a budget crisis. So I am thrilled to announce that I’m moving to teach as an assistant professor in Seton Hill’s MFA program for Writing Popular Fiction. Yes, you read that correctly . . . it’s an MFA specifically for popular, publishable fiction. Here’s the blurb from our website:

The Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill is one of the only programs in the country that teaches writers to create – and market – the fiction that sells. Upon graduation from Seton Hill’s program, you will have completed a full-length market-ready novel, earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from a leading liberal arts University, and become part of a supportive network of published authors.
Seton Hill University’s unique Master of Fine Arts in Writing Popular Fiction teaches students to write marketable novels in popular genres like mystery, romance, science fiction, horror, and fantasy. Additional specialties include literature for children and adolescents, and cross-genre blends like romantic suspense or young adult mysteries. Knowing that graduate students have many obligations, Seton Hill has designed a flexible, intensive-residency format that allows you to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree while working full-time or caring for a family. One-on-one mentoring by established writers enables students to develop a writing project in a genre of their choice. Online contact with other participants ensures that students become part of a writing community and that they receive varied commentary on their work-in-progress. Week long residencies, twice each year, inform and enliven the writing experience, bringing students together on Seton Hill’s campus to learn the basics and complexities of popular fiction. Lectures and workshops by guest writers of regional and national fame (and editors, agents and publishers) add extra impact to the residency experience.
How cool is that? This semester, I’ll be mentoring students who are writing Urban Fantasy, and teaching at least one online course. I’ll also get an iPad, which I will name Bessie.
So I’m moving to Pittsburgh, people! Seton Hill is in Greensburg, but I’m a city gal by nature. The idea of walking to get a coffee THRILLS me. And in Pittsburgh, I’ll be closer to my family and friends in Chicago, my friends on the East Coast, and an airport from which I can go wherever I please (not just DFW).
That said, I am very sad to leave Shreveport and my friends, colleagues, and students here in Louisiana. I’ve loved my time here and y’all couldn’t have been more welcoming and generous. Thank you so much for a beautiful run, and I will miss you all very, very much. Look me up if you’re in Pennsylvania. 🙂
Congrats Nikki! I hope you will be in Chi town more and we can catch up!
Congratulations! This is so exciting:) I'm in Baltimore, MD, which isn't too far from Pittsburgh. Hopefully that will make it a lot easier to get to your next book event!
Congrats on both the book deal and new job, Nicole! I live in Harrisburg, about 200 miles east of Pittsburgh. I went to Carnegie Mellon out there, and while I love the city I hated the fucking winters! After LA prepare for a cold shock …
Congratulations on all the great news for you. Sounds like the new teaching job will go great with your other job as an author. And I'm thrilled there will be more Jane. So exciting.
Thanks, Becki! It will definitely make coming home a LOT easier. And we should definitely grab a coffee!
Corinne: Aw, thanks, lady! That would rock! We can gossip about our agent. 😉 (Just kidding, Rebecca!)
Dawn: Thanks, lady! The two jobs will definitely be much more in sync. I'm teaching modernism, now, which I love, but the books don't count to tenure as they're not in the same field. So this is MUCH better for me!
David: That's awesome! Great school! And I know. Luckily I still have all my hard core winter gear at my parents house in Illinois. 🙂
Jumping the LA ship, I see how it is 🙁 Sorry to see you go. So cool about more Jane. Can't wait. Wow that should leave you in toilet paper and chocolates for a little bit. And what a cool new job. You must be thrilled. I want to take that class.
So very big congrats…again.
Congratulations on the book deal! That is so exciting! I hope you still come down Louisiana-ways to do book signings. Again, congratulations on the new job and it'll be sad without you in Vox. I guess we should have invested in an iPad. 😛
Nicole! So exciting on both counts!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats Nicole!!! How thrilling to have so much good news! More books and an awesome, new job! I like in PA but Pitt. is quite a hike away.
Wishing you lots of support on your move and transition into your new life. 🙂
What else is there to say but…yeehaw!
[New Post] Book Deal and Day Job Announcements! – via @twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/05/book...
Blog post on my Book Deal and Day Job announcements! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/05/book...
@NicolePeeler congratz on both!
@NicolePeeler holy crap congrats!!!
@WickedLPixie LOL It's been an intense month. 🙂
@pauljessup Thanks doll!
@NicolePeeler when do you move? thats the holy shit part of my comment lol
@NicolePeeler @thexmedic w00t! Simulthanks for the win!
@WickedLPixie I KNOW. Plus, between the 24th of June and the 29th of July, I'll be in Chicago, London, Chicago, Maine, Chicago, PA, Chicago.
@NicolePeeler congrats on the book deal! And omg! Your new school looks like Hogwarts!
@johnnie_cakes I KNOW! And if you find pictures of the cafeteria, it really DOES look like mini-Hogwarts.
@NicolePeeler Congratulations on the book deal 🙂
@NicolePeeler dear god woman, some "vacation"
@ghostfinder thank you! Yay! And I never answered your question, I don't think. I lived in Edinburgh for 6 years. Did phd at Edinburgh Uni.
@WickedLPixie It's going to be amazing. LOL Then I launch Book 2! Yay!
@NicolePeeler Ah, I see! Edinburgh is very nice!
@ghostfinder It's gorgeous. I do miss it, although not the long dark winters.
@NicolePeeler how very exciting! Congrats!
@omgrey Thank you! 🙂
@NicolePeeler such great news!!!
Way to go!!!!
@NicolePeeler and more Jane! YAY!
@NicolePeeler Ooo… and I just got a tweet saying the airfare prices SEA to Pittsburgh have dropped to $257…. Mwahahahaha….
@NicolePeeler Bwhahahaha "Tempest Bledsoe" – you lady have made my day! Congrats again! I'm so excited for more Jane I could die!
@NicolePeeler can't wait for 2! Whoa its soon now isn't it! Go Nicole go! And you are closer to moi!
@NicolePeeler Congratulations! The picture of the university is so pretty, it doesn't look real.
@NicolePeeler Joining in on the congrats….woo hoo!!!!! :oD
@psynde Thank you, darling! 🙂
@unique317 LOL Like one in ten people get that reference. how have they lived with the Cosbys???
@WickedLPixie I know! So much easier to travel. Will definitely try to do Canada next summer.
@urbanfangirl I know, it's totally gorgeous. 🙂 It's also on a massive fucking hill. I am NEVER going to walk up that hill.
@thawen Thankee! 🙂
@NicolePeeler you're doing rt in la right?
@WickedLPixie Hell yeah! I got in touch with Richelle about the UF panels IMMEDIATELY.
Oooh!! I too just got an academic position in PA, so will not perhaps get a chance to see you at an event. Congrats on your new job and the book deal!
@NicolePeeler I'm trying my hardest to be there! I need more drinking buddies lol
@WickedLPixie Duuuude you gotta! Start a fund! 😉
@NicolePeeler I am! Now that I have the e-reader out of the way, theres nothing else I "need" to have. Now comes the saving
@WickedLPixie Sa-what? *looks around* I think I heard a new word? 😉
In case you missed it, the big news: http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/05/book...
@NicolePeeler what the funk are you talkin about?
@WickedLPixie The fact that I spend money like water. 😉
@NicolePeeler I know, me too 🙁 But if I wanna hit LA, I can't & I already bought all my summer shoes & clothes LOL
RT @NicolePeeler: In case you missed it, the big news: http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/05/book...
@WickedLPixie Yeah, I know. It's gonna be a big one, in LA.
@NicolePeeler I want to hit some concerts while im there too & sight see. I'm not staying in the hotel allll the time 😉
@WickedLPixie Let me know if there's anything good!
@WickedLPixie And can we do promo for Tracking on your site? Only just now getting to organizing shit. #lateashell
@NicolePeeler for sure on both counts! I have you up as a TBD
@WickedLPixie Shoot me whatever you want me to do, soon, so I can give you maximum snark.
@NicolePeeler I interview you all the time, so guest snark blog?
@WickedLPixie You've interviewed me once! ONCE! And I suppose. Although I suck at blogging. You'll have to give me a topic.
@NicolePeeler TWICE! Once for rising, the other one at christmas. Re: Topic Sell your book! SELL IT BABY!
@WickedLPixie Can I offer your sexual favors?
@NicolePeeler not on woman 😉 LOL
@NicolePeeler That sounds like an awesome program! Congrats!
@mikepaxton Thanks! I'm super stoked.
We visited Pittsburgh for the first time last summer and LOVED it. I know you will too just from things you've shared on blogs etc. It's a really cool city.
Congrats on the new job:)
Somebody else spilled the beans about Jane– Oh, it was Mario on his blog– and I am SOOOOOOOO fricking excited. Woo-hoooooo
Just had to stop by and say this is way cool news. I hope you have a great time in your new job. Sounds like a great move in teaching. Enjoy. 🙂
Congratulations on the new position! It sounds great and I hope it is.
Congrats!!! That sounds like the perfect program for you, and I am truly happy that we have more and more of Jane. Why don't you start doing opposites for the Tempest…Like Tempest Faling.
Plus, You are moving to my home town of Pittsburgh!!! I love me some Pittsburgh, so drop me a line if you a questions on where to live, places to eat, and fun. My brother is out and about in that area, and he knows how to enjoy a good beverage.
Mega-congrats on two pieces of excellent news! I taught in the Seton Hill's low-residency WPF program VERY briefly. I would've loved to participate longer, but my day-job responsibilities increased and I couldn't keep up both. There are really good people there, though, and it's a great program. I'm sure you'll love it!
This is great news, Nicole! As I said on Twitter, I hope this pans out as well as you envision it and that you enjoy your new home. 🙂
Wonderful news on the books as well. 🙂
HI, I don't get twitter, so if this questions was already asked, then I apologize for the twofer. But, aren't you hesitant about teaching your writing secrets and strategies to hungry new authors who just want to get their work published and steal your fan base? Or, is that not how the writers' world works? Just wondering.
Brenda: Thanks! I'm super excited about both things, as well. 🙂 And Mario was so sweet to blog about it!
Melissa: Thanks! I'm hoping it will be, as well. 🙂
Thanks, Wonderbunny!
Thanks, Heather! I probably will ask for some food recs when I get there! 🙂
Nancy: I didn't know that, how cool! It does seem like a great program with some great people. I'm really excited to start.
Thanks, Marci! I appreciate it! 🙂
Anon: No, I'm not hesitant at all. The way I see it (and most of my fellow writer's see it) is that there is no fan base to "steal." Reading isn't like any other activity, really. I don't know anyone who will only read one author or will only buy one author. Everyone I know who reads . . . READS. Everything they can get their hands on. Some are more persnickety about genre, but within the genre they read virtually everything. And the more the genre offers, for choices, the more they're likely to stay in that section of the bookstore rather than wander away out of boredom. So the more authors we have writing quality urban fantasy that attracts new readers, the better it is for all of us. 🙂
Where have I been..On Mars? So Thrilled for you..closer to family and friends..A Real Plus….You are admired by all your fans…