Update on World Domination……..

Hello, friends! I know, I know, it’s been forever since my last update. But I’ve been so busy, between Day Job and the writerings. First off, we had our residency, for our MFA in Popular Fiction. It’s an awesome program…

The Story Behind the Story: Jinn & Juice and “Borderline Dead”

Hey folks! Today is release day for JINN AND JUICE and for DEAD BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, a Sookieverse anthology in which you can find my story, “Borderline Dead”. I thought I’d do something a little different today and, instead of…

There Is Sometimes Such Things As A Free Story!

Hi folks! It’s the run up to the launch of Audible’s audiobook of DEAD BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, in which I have story. The anthology will be a print hardcover, but first it’s being released as an audiobook. Audible is doing…