Cooking with Nicole: Peeler Family Crab Dip!

Hello friends! Here’s something I haven’t done in a while: a cooking with Nicole! But I was home and making our usual holiday treats, and I thought I’d take pictures and share with you our Peeler Family Crab Dip. It’s…

Cooking with Nicole: Eggplant Stew with Potatoes, Mushrooms, and Chickpeas

Hello my darlings! Last night I made the most fabulous vegetarian stew that I HAD to blog about. It seriously rocked my casbah. I took the recipe from what has to be the ultimate vegetarian cookbook. If you are a…

Cooking With Nicole: Seven-Layer Dip

Today, mah friends, I’m going to show just where you can stick that tomato rose from last week: directly into this seven-layer dip! Yes, it’s another seventies staple. You’ve undoubtedly had a version of this dip. They’ve become common at…

Cooking With Nicole: Turkey Tacos, or “Put a Bunch of Shit in a Pot”

For those who have followed me here or on Twitter, you know I love tacos of all kinds. I’ve tweeted a lot of pictures of tacos in my day: chorizo tacos, tongue tacos, goat tacos, tacos in fancy restaurants, tacos…

Cooking With Nicole: Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit!

Hello mah friends! Today, we’ll be cooking Cuban black beans together. Cuban food is one of my all time favorites, ever since I went to Miami to visit my friend, Marcia Martinez, when I was a senior in High School.…