It’s with great pleasure I introduce Mario to the Emporium. He’s fabulous . . . never read an email him with something in your mouth. It will inevitably come out of your nose. He’s hilarious and the books are fantastic–I love me…

Some Pimpage and a Contest!

It’s that time of the month, again . . . the League is stirring and, panting like a Lamaze instructor, birthing BOOKS! In a few days, Mario Acevedo will be guest posting here, and I’ll be running a contest to…

Contest Alert: Don Yer Wellies! It’s a SELKIE HUNT!

CONTEST ALERT! According to my maaaahvelous Editrix, Tempest Rising will begin shipping VERY SOON. So Jane True could begin appearing in the wild anytime now. This means two things. The first is that I’m officially nauseous, but the second is…