Teaser Three: Told You it Was Titillating!

With the manga version of “Something Wikkid This Way Comes” out this week on iTunes (more platforms to follow), from Yen Press, I’m sharing some of Cassandra Jean’s glorious interpretations of the girls from Triptych. And I’ve saved the most…

Teaser Two: Rawr

Here’s another teaser from the manga version of “Something Wikkid This Way Comes,” out this week on iTunes (more platforms to follow), from Yen Press and featuring the amazing Cassandra Jean’s art. This is a slightly sexier teaser, which for…

Teaser One: Amazeballs

Exciting news! The manga version of “Something Wikkid This Way Comes” is out this week on iTunes (more platforms to follow), from Yen Press. Yen did such a great job, and found a phenomenal artist to draw Cappie and the…

Update: Busy Bee!

Hello folks! It’s all been a bit mad here, perhaps even madder than normal. As my friend put it in a text, “You look like you’ve been even busier than usual.” And that’s because I have. It all started when…