5 thoughts on “Want the TRUE Story of the Shreveport Smackdown?”

  1. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Are all of your book signings gonna be like this? If so you might want to sell some tickets and make some extra cash off of them.

  2. Wow!!! I'm sorrY I missed it. Will there be a re-match? I love selkies and vamps,so I can't choose a side, but it would be quite a show.

  3. Amber: Yes, they WILL all be like this. Just don't tell Jen Rardin that if you go to her site. 😉

    Heather: To be honest, I know damned well that a vampire would kick a selkie's ass. But the selkie would go down clapping, dammit!

  4. Okay, I'll try to keep my mouth shut. 😀 Just promise you guys won't kill each other. Cause if you do then I'm gonna have to find some new series' to read to replace hers and your books. And I really like them, so I'd rather them not end just yet. Especially since yours just started.

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