I’m getting flooded with tons and tons of lovely pictures of selkies in the wild! A lot of people are also informing me that, while they ordered their selkies to appear weeks ago, selkies take a while to arrive. I think it’s the not always having feet nature of the selkie.

Because of the recalcitrant nature of some selkies, I’ve decided to extend the Selkie Hunt Contest for another two weeks, till November 22.

To be honest, it’s also me being selfish as I’m enjoying the selkie photos very much. 🙂 So keep ’em coming!

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

2 thoughts on “Contest EXTENSION!”

  1. Just finished your fantastic book and I'd like to encourage you to send me an ARC…it's for your own good – truly….I just want to help you out, you know, in case you need help or something…seriously…alright, I'm begging. I'm begging you to let me see what is going to happen with True…I'd tell you I'll get all whiny and such but you couldn't hear that and my boytoy might get annoyed with me…Hey! I know! How bout I promise to send you a king cake with lots of babies in it for Mardi Gras? Hmmm? Tempting?

    What? NOOO! Dangit Dr. Peeler – I need to know what happens next! I'm prone to accidents (ask the Accidental Fans) – I might be "around" by the time the next book gets published…I'm just saying…feeling guilty yet? wavering? unsure and thinking about sending me an ARC? What? What the hell do you mean NOOOOOO! Dangit – didn't work with Dakota, Bardsley, Mark, Molly, MaryJanice, Charlaine…..

    Seriously, I read and listen to Mark's suggestions (as well as the other authors) and heard about your book on Glamzom….I love it – you had me hooked in the first couple of pages.

    Gina Growe in Springfield, Illinois, where selkies are lurking everywhere.

  2. LOL That post rocks! And I can't believe you do what Mark suggests and haven't ended up in hospital!!!

    Seriously, thanks so much. All your comments made my day! And Tracking will be out soon enough. . . The official day is July 1, but that means it'll be wandering about probably a few weeks before. 😉 And in the meantime, exercise that pimp hand and tell all your friends/family/coworkers/strangers/enemies/frenemies/random baggers at grocery stores/pets/old people who can't get away fast enough, etc.

    In other words, tell everyone. 😉 But most of all, thanks for telling me. 🙂

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