And The Winner IS . . . . .


And the winner is . . . . . . . . . (drumroll, please)

Ms. Catie James!!!!

This is good news, as Ms. James says she’s DYING to read Tempest Rising! And I wouldn’t want such a death on my conscience! Catie, if you could email me your snailmail addie to iheartselkies at gmail daht com, that’d be fabulous!

To everyone who entered: THANK YOU. Seriously, your interest in the book has warmed the cockles of my heart. I was also SO pleased to see all of the wonderful comments about the cover. I, too, think it is absolutely gorgeous. So much so, in fact, that I had the beautiful print of TR that Sharon Tancredi sent me framed, and it’s hanging over my bed. The cover means so much both to me and Ms. Tancredi, and, after the asinine cover kerfuffle that will not be spoken of amongst more discerning minds, I know Sharon and I are both very pleased that so many broadminded, engaged readers get just how cool is this cover, really. 🙂

So thank you SO MUCH. I’m sorry that all of you can’t win, but I do hope you enjoy the novel when it comes out and I hope you’ll keep coming back to my site for more updates and for more contests. Next up, I’m planning a contest with Ms. Gail Carriger, author of the FABULOUS book Soulless, in which we’re going to let our character’s Alexia and Jane sit down to tea, have a wee chat, and give away a copy of Soulless!

So thank you, again, SO MUCH. I genuinely never expected such a huge response to this contest, and I certainly didn’t expect to read such lovely things. You’ve all made me MUCH less nervous about the actual launch of the book. Although I am still a bit nauseous. But now, because of all of you, I only feel faintly squiffy instead of downright sick. Score!

Thank you!

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

6 thoughts on “And The Winner IS . . . . .”

  1. Holy Advanced Copies Batman, I can't believe it! Thank you Nicole, Taylor B, Jessica Kennedy & Heather C. OMG! Wheeeeeeee!!! Oh and my thanks to the Can of Doom. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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