Heyyyyyyyy Seattle!

Imma coming for you! In like a few hours. So this is gonna be short!

For any fans who happen to be in the area, I will be at the Seton Hill booth (CC26) in the Bookfair from 1:30-2:30 pm. Click here for a super unhelpful mappy thingy.

GOOD NEWS: The Bookfair is open to the public. BAD NEWS: I have no idea whether or not it’s free. Normally it is, but there’s been all this kerfuffle with Seattle and taxes, and first it wasn’t open, but now it is, and I can’t find ANYTHING about a fee.

I’ll keep you posted! And I can also plan on being at the bar from like 2:30-3:3o to sign then, if we find out there’s a crazy stupid fee or something.****

Obviously, if you are registered for the conference I’ll be at that booth!

There won’t be books, I’m assuming, and I have none to sell, but I’ll sign any books you bring in, or napkins, or bellies, or babies. Or foreheads! That’d be hot.

Okay, I’ve gotta get myself together to leave. See you soon, Seattle! xoxoxo

******Update: Book Fair IS FREE! So hopefully see you there!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter