Back To Bahstahn!

Hey folks!

This weekend finds me traveling again, this time to Boston, where I’ll be presenting at AWP (the Association of Writers and Writing Programs).

I’ll also be catching up with old friends and spending the weekend getting up to no good in my old stomping grounds. The birthplace, really, of my getting up to no good.

For anyone going to the con, here’s what I’m doing officially:

Hynes Convention Center, Room 110, Plaza Level

S136. Women in Crime. (Toni Margarita Plummer, Sophie Littlefield, Linda Rodriguez, Nicole Peeler) Boasting diverse voices and writing in settings varying from academic to rural to paranormal, three women discuss their choice to build a crime series around a female protagonist. These authors discuss crime and life from the female perspective, focusing on issues such as domestic abuse, divorce, parenthood, gender roles, sex, and justice, as well as the female sleuths and authors who inspired them. Moderated by one of the top acquiring editors for crime fiction, a Q&A session will follow.

Unofficially, I’ll be schmoozing, carousing, debauching…or what I like to call, NETWORKING. It’s all work, people. Really. And I can’t tell you how badly I need a weekend of networking right now. I’ve had a pretty insane month, with a lot of work, a lot of things shuffled all over, making some big decisions, nearly buying a loft, losing the loft, realizing I gotta be adult regarding stuff about which I’d rather be immature, and trying to stick to my guns and be brave about everything. So, yeah, a weekend away with old friends is exactly what the Doctor ordered.

Dr. Peeler, that is.

But I’ll be back soon. And then I’ll be in Texas! Doing some MORE Networking. Yay!

In the meantime, here’s a musical treat from my new favoritest band:


Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

2 thoughts on “Back To Bahstahn!”

  1. That is a very good treat. I just downloaded their entire album after listening to this song. Thanks for sharing!

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