Six Sentence Sunday: a Taste of Tempest’s Fury

In honor of Six-Sentence Sunday (and finishing my grading), here are six sentences from Tempest’s Fury, coming out in July:

To say we had some issues to work out was an understatement. But when Anyan looked like he did now, all rumpled and gorgeous in a pair of low-riding jeans, with his bright blue T-shirt making his iron-grey eyes extra cold and inscrutable, I knew the only thing I wanted more than world peace was for those cold grey eyes to warm when they met mine.

He held his hand out to me and I took it without thinking, moving closer to him as I did so.

“Good flight?” he murmured, brushing my hair back from my face. The gesture was ironic, considering his own curly black hair was sticking up like that of an electrocuted poodle. An adorable, electrocuted poodle.

What do you think about SSS? Let me know if you like these little teasers, and I’ll keep ’em comin’. 😉


Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

19 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: a Taste of Tempest’s Fury”

  1. These teasers are killing me but I want more!

    And what's with July??? Amazon says June. Do I really have to wait 5 months instead of 4. Really??? UGH!!!!

  2. Thank you so much everybody! Sorry I didn't get to all of these, I was updgrading my comments feature and it took forever. :-/ But I appreciate all the love and will be posting another Six Sentences next week! 🙂

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