Happy 2012!!!!

Hi my friends!

First of all, happy new year! I can’t believe it’s 2012. That means I’ve been author, now, for three years. It feels like it just happened, and these have been some of the craziest, most fun, fastest, and most rewarding years of my life.

So what can you expect from me, thisร‚ย  year?

We’ll be publishing Jane book 5, Tempest’s Fury, which you can pre-order here. It’ll be coming out June 26th in paperback and July 1 on Kindle.

But if you can’t wait for June, I’m coming out with a short story, set in Jane’s Trueniverse and starring Capitola, Moo, and Shar, the ladies from Triptych that you met in book 3. That will be coming out mid-January, and you can pre-order it here. I’ll have a lot more information on it, shortly, at this site.

During all of this, I’ll be working on Jane’s sixth and final book. I’ve loved writing her, and I can’t wait to cap off her adventures. For those of you wondering why I don’t write more, I’m a firm believer in capping really character-driven series, before the action gets old.

But that doesn’t mean that Jane won’t crop in one of Cappie’s stories, or get her own short stories. ๐Ÿ™‚

After that, who knows? I’d love to write more about Cappie, and hopefully if everyone likes the story that’ll help me do so. Otherwise I’ll be starting work on a YA idea I have, while I wait for inspiration to hit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In terms of conventions, I’m already pretty booked up for next semester. Next week, people in Boston can find me at Arisia, where I’ll be speaking on some panels and visiting my old stomping grounds at Boston University.

February I’ll be back in London, where I’ll definitely be signing some stock, and will let you know deets later.

As for the rest of the year, April will find me in Chicago, for Romantic Times. In August, I’m in NOLA for Authors After Dark, and then shortly after, in October, I’ll be in Cleveland for Bouchercon.

That’s just a general sketch, and I’m sure I’ll add more along the way. But no matter what, this year looks to be a time of great change for me, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

In the meantime, thank you to all of you who have made these last three years such an incredible adventure. I’m very grateful for all of your attention, support, and care. I feel very lucky, and very loved.

*group hug!* Here’s to 2012!

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

5 thoughts on “Happy 2012!!!!”

  1. I was so hoping the coordinator for the Pennwriters Convention would have contacted you. I gave her your name like seventeen times when she kept asking for suggestions of authors.

    I’m sadden to hear Jane’s adventures are winding down, but happy that she might finally get some uninterrupted one-on-one with a shaggy puppy!!!!!

  2. Sounds like you’ve got a busy year planned!!! I’ll be coming in, for the weekend only, during AAD, so I’ll see you at the author signing! I’m very excited.

    Good luck with all your book plans… I can’t wait to see how everything wraps up! I love a good series, but I love a good ending, as well ๐Ÿ™‚

    **hugs & happy writing**

  3. Really looking forward to the next book!! Im sad that Jane’s stories are coming to a somewhat end. I’m just going to have to read them over and over. Enjoy writing!

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