Pimpage, Updates, and A Linkie-Loo…

Hello my friends. Today’s a beautiful day in Greensburg: the sun is shining, the breeze is cool and fresh, and it’s not 90-fucking-degrees. Seriously, I thought I was going to die last week. But today I’m wearing long sleeves! That makes me very happy, not least as I managed to burn one (but just the one!) arm yesterday. I’m considering cutting off my other sleeve when I go run, to burn that arm and balance myself out, but I think that’s ill-reasoned on a number of levels.

What’s also probably ill-reasoned is the fact I’m going to shoot for a 45-minute run today. I’ve been doing 30, but the next step up is the rather improbable jump of 15 minutes. Think I can do it? I don’t, so if you see me tweeting from a hospital bed later, don’t be too shocked. Okay, I probably will just stop running before I actually collapse, but that doesn’t mean I won’t bitch and moan the rest of the day about being stupidly sore and worn out. Now there’s something to look forward to!

Before I go off for the jogging torture, I have some pimpage for you! First of all, my very lovely friend, the incomparable Jeanne C. Stein, has work out in two new anthologies. These anthos look awesome, and I want both! The first release is a novella, in which we meet a new love interest for Anna Strong. Hot!

Jeanne’s other new release is another Anna story in the very awesome looking antho, Chicks Kick Butt, which also features stories by Rachel Caine, L.A. Banks, and Lilith Saintcrow:

Both of these books look great, and I haz a hankering. 😉

Also hanging out in the Southwest, Kevin Hearne’s second novel, Hexed, is already being spotted in the wild. I blurbed Hounded, and really enjoyed it, and I have no doubt this one is even better:

On the northern shores, meanwhile, Kat Richardson has hatched a very cool scheme involving official minions. She’s looking for twenty people to be her official 2011 minions, and you get a host of cool prizes and stuff. Who doesn’t love prizes, or Kat, or being Kat’s minion??

As far as my own work is concerned, Book Five, Tempest’s Fury, is going swimmingly, all of a sudden. I’m just short of 100 pages, and I have no idea how that happened. I’m getting into my zone, basically, which means I’m at that stage where I’m not entirely sure where I left my car keys, as I’m eating, breathing, and living Jane.

I did take a brief moment, however, to think through my thoughts on V. S. Naipaul’s comments regarding women writers, over at Pens Fatales.

So that’s my life in a nutshell. I’m unfocused, slightly barmy, and unable to concentrate on much besides my own imaginary worlds. In other words, fairly normal, for me. 😉

How about you guys? How is your life treating you? And have you read or watched anything really good, with which I can distract myself?

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

2 thoughts on “Pimpage, Updates, and A Linkie-Loo…”

  1. Ah, if only I had the time to be Kat's minion! (Or anyone's, for that matter.) I do believe the job of minion should go to someone with the mental and actual time to devote to it and, sadly, that person is not I… this year, at any rate.

    Glad your own writing is flowing so smoothly.

  2. I volunteered to be a minion, keeping my fingers crossed. Read HEXED, Jeanne is a sweetie and gave me an advanced copy when I saw her at one of her signings up in my 'burb of Denver. HEXED is superb! I don't get that very often with anthologies, but all the stories were swell. I'll be picking up CHICKS KICK BUTT very soon.

    Wishing I could go see Kevin Hearnes tomorrow evening at Who Else Books on Broadway, but have to work a mid….

    Glad all is well in Jane True-landia.

    Going to see either or both Thor and/or X Men First Class tomorrow on my 'me day'.

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