This Just In: Audiobook Actress!

I was trawling through my Amazon sites today and I discovered that they’ve announced who is reading Jane for my audibooks! A woman named Kate Reinders! Here’s a clip from some of her work:

Kate Reinders from Walleye Pictures & Sound on Vimeo.

I really like her in the second group of clips. And she reminds me quite a bit of Kristin Chenoweth, whom I adore. But what do ya think? Think she’ll make a good Jane?

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

19 thoughts on “This Just In: Audiobook Actress!”

  1. I like that she sounds young but i would have liked someone with a little bit of a deeper voice. We'll see how she does going over the heavier subject matter. I've read the books a million times each so far but I'm in for buying audio. Always makes the commute to work more enjoyable.

  2. @NicolePeeler she reminds me a bit of Swoosie Kurtz without the squeak. I think she'll be a nifty Jane!

  3. @NicolePeeler well. I feel that way, but enough of that. I'm happy for your audio books! Yay Jane!

  4. @NicolePeeler Audiobooks??? I am so out of the loop. (Or, alternatively, my head's in the sand.) Mazel tov! @katrchrdsn

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