Nicole has, once again, been thrown into her Grading Oubliette. She will be back next week, covered in paper cuts and red ink and muttering softly to herself. So just like normal, really.
If you’d like to send her care packages, mail them c/o LSUS’s Grading Oubliette. We’ll poke it through the bars of her cage:
I think I caught the drifting strains of, “I’ll bastardize your predicates,” sung to the theme song of Young Guns, just a little while ago. Which means it’s time for Nicole’s rainwater and day old bread. We’ll let her enjoy it in peace.
[New Post] Where in the World is Nicole Peeler? – via @twitoaster
I'm imagining some truly epic profanity in red ink on those poor papers.
I'm hoping someone brings you some punch:)