It’s Official! Jane’s Been Released!

Today is the official launch of Tempest Rising! To celebrate, I’m going to write a chapter of book 3.

I’d like to thank all of you who have sent me feedback on the novel, or written a review, or tweeted me to tell me you’ve enjoyed it. It’s a strange thing knowing it’s out there for everyone to read, and your words of encouragement have been both heartwarming and, to be honest, quite necessary for my occasionally fragile ego. 😉

So thanks to everyone who’s read the book. I think book two is even better (I’m finally getting the hang of this fiction thing), and I’m really psyched about book 3.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy Jane & Co.! I’ve posted some more reviews up on the main Tempest Rising page.

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

4 thoughts on “It’s Official! Jane’s Been Released!”

  1. Happy Release day!!! Jane made it to the midwest, and I was able to wrangle her on Saturday at Borders. I have a pic to follow. 🙂

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