Oh. Â My. Â Gods.
Check it:

Tempest Rising Cover by the amazing artist Sharon Tancredi! Â
For Orbit’s take on the whole thing, go here!
For those of you in the Port, it’s another Beer and Bellydancing Monday . . . and since we’ve got no school today and tomorrow, we’ll be reverting to our summer schedule of Beer, Bellydancing, AND BLUES Mondays! Â So see you at Lee’s, my good friends. Â If you’re not in the Port, have an Abita with me to celebrate in spirit.
Uh, are you comfortable having "RIP" next to your name? 😉
Have a lovely day! 🙂
*LOL* Yeah. It's not me in the coffin. But I won't tell you who it is. You'll have to read the book. 😉
That is definitely a cover that would make me stop in the aisle of a book store and pick it up. Congrats!
Thanks, Alana! I hope so! It's even better AFTER you've read the book. It's all symbolic and stuff. 😉
I fucking LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is she hitting on me? VERY sexy. Very hypnotic too. I would totally see this on the shelf and be intrigued by it enough to -at least – read the back of it. Who is this artist? Awesome.
Oh by the way, another possible topic for your interview at the end of the book – talk about the cover – who is the artist? What did you think when you saw the design? How much input did you have? etc.
Love it! I'm hooked already and I know just about nothing about the book or you as an author!
Great job!
Thanks Lorenkavitch! And yes, she IS hitting on you. Love your questions. The artist is Sharon Tancredi. There's a link to her other stuff (there's one of a sex addict with a woman-shaped syringe that I adore) on the main post.
Thanks Jessica! I don't really know much about me as an author, yet, but I'm glad you like the cover! It is very indicative of the tone of the book, so hopefully that bodes well for my follow through. 😉