I am more than happy to announce the official launch of Jane True Book 2: Tracking the Tempest! YAY!
I still can’t believe I have one book out on shelves; the idea of having two just makes me giggle. And I couldn’t have done any of this without all the amazing fans who’ve made writing Jane so satisfying.
So I’m holding a contest. This time, it’s all organized around Things Jane Likes. Here’s a picture of the prize pack:
As I said, it contains Things Jane Likes, which can be broken down (in no particular order) into: Swimming, home, food, sex, and reading.
Swimming: You get a postcard of the Old Sow, direct from Eastport.
Home: A pirate-themed T-shirt in Large from Eastport.
Food: A cookbook from my favorite celebrity chef, Ina Garten
Sex: Saucy post-it notes, From Him and From Her
Reading: A 25$ gift card to Barnes and Noble
There’s also a little map of Boston, so you can follow Jane’s adventures in Tracking the Tempest.
All very fun, and all very Jane.
You can enter the contest in the following ways:
(x1 entry)ΓΒ Comment on this post to be entered automatically
(x5 entries each for each copy) Show me proof you’ve bought Tempest OR Tracking (email to iheartselkiesATgmailDOTcom a photo or screenshot of a receipt or a picture of the book at home–let me know whether or not I can post it on the blog if it’s a picture of the book at home)
(x3 entries each) Provide in comments links to reviews of Tracking the Tempest OR Tempest Rising you’ve done on your blog, Amazon, Goodreads, etc.
(x2 entries each) Follow me on Twitter or Facebook (if you already follow me, just let me know)
(x1 entry each medium) for pimping this post (Facebook, Twitter, blog post, etc)
I will choose a winner at random on Monday, July 26th at 12:00 AM Eastern time. Contest is international, cuz I love my non-American fans just as much.
To my established fans (all 13 of you :-): thank you SO MUCH for your support and kind words. You guys make this writing gig worth it!
And to people new to my site: Thanks for coming by and I hope you like it here. Jane’s got lots of adventures to come, and I hope you’ll come along for the ride!
Congratulations! I just want to tell you that I LOVE the cover art of your books. Very cool.
Good luck with the book. I'm sure it will be a huge success.
I LOVED book 1 and I am dying for book 2! Gotta find it!!
I posting here – x1
I follow you on twitter – x2
I retweeted you post about the contest – I am Froggarita – x1
I reviews book 1 on my blog here – x3 – http://froggaritavillesbookcase.blogspot.com/2009…
Happy Book B-Day!! (today's my husbands B-day too, he's being overshadowed π
I follow you on twitter and on facebook ( @readingangel002 / Angela Hedrick-Messer)
Tweeted –
I bought the book, will email you my screen shot (if I can figure it out….lol)
Temptest Rising review on my blog ~ http://readingangel002.blogspot.com/2010/02/tempe…
Happy Official Release Day!! Reading it right now, about 100 pages in! Loving it!!
Hi Nicole! I tried to buy the new book at Borders but they don't have it in yet! Guess I'll have to order on the Internet.
Posted contest info on my blog: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com
So excited for you! And me…finally, we get to the next chapter of Jane!
PS: I already follow you on Facebook!
Awesome contest!
x2 — follower on Facebook
x3 — blog review of Tempest: http://nomoregrumpybookseller.blogspot.com/2009/1…
x1 — blog post pimping contest
x5 — pic of my copy of Tracking the Tempest (at home)
Congrats on the release!
I follow on twitter and tweeted
Hey, Nicole! YaY, Happy Release Day! I'm looking forward to reading Tracking the Tempest – I'm thinking Jane's story is only going to get more interesting π
Can I link to my In My Mailbox post as proof that I bought a copy of Tempest Rising? I can take another pic and e-mail if that works better. Here's my post, with the book sitting pretty on my shelf – it's the one right on the end: CLICK ME!!!
Here's my review of Tempest Rising: CLICK ME!!!
I follow on Twitter (@izibellz) and Facebook (Izabela Colf).
Tweet Tweet: CLICK ME!!!
Total: 14 entries (",)
Very cool! Count me in! π
Very excited about the new book. I plan to buy this weekend, AND take a photo of myself with it. I LOVED the first book!
I also follow you on Facebook!
Thanks! Please keep the books coming!
Just finished reading the book. I LOVE it. I would love to win the contest. I love the very Jane prizes.
x1 – for this comment
x2 – I follow you on Twitter
I will take some photos of Jane in North Dakota and send them to you.
Thank you for the contest.
Congrats on your release again *giggles*!
+2 Follow me on Twitter or Facebook (@intensewhisper)
+1 Tweeted: https://twitter.com/IntenseWhisper/status/1751905…
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Yeah for Release Day! Can't wait to get my copy of Tracking the Tempest!
x1 Comment
X5 Pic of Tempest Rising at home
x3 Review of TR on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6389874-tempes…
x2 Already follow you on Twitter (@BarbaraElness)
Congrats on the release of Tracking the Tempest! Can't wait to read it!
+1 comment
+2 Facebook friend
thanks for the awesome contest!
[New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: [New Post] HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACKING THE TEMPEST! – via #twitoaster http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ...
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
RT @NicolePeeler: Contest for Tracking's Official Release! Lots of cool prizes! http://www.nicolepeeler.com/2010/07/happ... RT PLZ
congratulations again Nicole π You already know I adore the new book as much as the 1st. It's a long wait now til January *sigh*
I follow you on twitter and here I am π
Great prizes ! I am fascinated by the photo of the Sow – imagining swimming near that .. yikes
Happy Release Day, Nicole! Landed on your site via mention by the Thrillionthpage. Always happy to discover new authors for my buckling bookshelf.
Happy Birthday! I was so excited when I saw Tracking the Tempest at Borders at the end of June I bought it – even though I had pre-ordered online. Now I have one to share with a friend!
Hi Nicole! It's been 7 loooong months that I've been waiting for Jane and Ryu and company to return! And I must say as torturous as it has been, it has so well been worth the wait! I love, love, love Tracking the Tempest! Thank you so much for all the laughs, suspense and erotic joy that your writing and wonderful characters have brought me! π
All gushing aside, now I must list my enteries into your awesome contest because… I WANT TO BE A WIENER!
x1 Comment
x10 Tempest Rising & Tracking the Tempest (will send a picture of the books hangin' w/ our family barghest, sorta)
x3 Goodreads reviews TR Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Love, love, love this book! Jane is hilarious and Ryu is one sexy vampire! I love the wonderful and intriguing world Nicole Peeler has created and can't wait to read more!
View all my reviews >>
x2 We be friends on Facebook
x1 Pimpage on Facebook
Hi! I haven't read the first book yet but I've heard lots of great things about it and would love to win this prize pack so I can get started on this fun new series π
Happy Birthday to Tracking The Tempest! Congrats on the new release! So excited for it!
x2 follow on Facebook
x1 blogged about contest: http://jeanette8042.blogspot.com/2010/07/follow-f…
I'm definitely looking forward to this book, and to seeing more of the mythology you use. I am also now following you on Twitter, my screen name is Tymp3t.
Please enter me! I love Jane's adventures and am dying to find out if there is a possible love triangle….tantalizing. Heading off to the book store tomorrow to buy. Thanks!
Just finished reading Tracking the Tempest! sooooo good! Please enter me! Can't wait for book 3, thanks!
I am definitely going to have to buy the first book in this series. It sounds great.
I follow your blog, on facebook, and twitter
I tweeted this @ http://twitter.com/Pamk258/status/17662974507
I work at a bookstore (Books-a-Million in Alabama) and there were 3 of us DYING for the 2nd book to come out! I follow you on Twitter and I love to tease the other girls with, "she posted that she's writing a naughty scene with Anyan". Love Jane True!
Hi Nicole,
I'm new to your blog, thanks for having a fun contest to bring new ppl.
+1 comment
+2 friended you on FB
+2 follow you twitter
+1 posted on FB :http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=584925454
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/dlsmilad
+1 posted on my blog :http://dinasthoughtblog.blogspot.com/
had to correct my email addy
(x1) I'm commenting!!! Congrats on the release of Tracking The Tempest.
(x5) I emailed you a photo of one copy and
(x5) the receipt for the other copy.
(x3) Mini Review of Tempest Rising here: http://qwillery.blogspot.com/2009/11/two-books-th…
(x3) Review of Tracking the Tempest here: http://bit.ly/aPn7ko
(x2) Follow you on Twitter
(x2) Follow you on Facebook
(x1 entry each medium) pimped on Twitter
I think that adds up to 22?
Congrats on the release!!
-I follow on twitter
-friend on FB
-tweet – http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/17767996294
-blog post link and sidebar – http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/07/contes…
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Looking forward to this book
What a cool prize pack! Definitely unique.
Here are my reviews for Tracking the Tempest:
blogger: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com/2010/07/re…
goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7556058-tracki…
I even have a review for Tempest Rising from last year on blogger: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com/2009/12/te…
Tracking the Tempest came out on my golden birthday! That's got to be a sign that this is a great series to read, lol.
I bought Tempest Rising and will send you the receipt since I just ordered it on amazon with my bday GC.
Follow you on twitter. candacemom2two
Put in a friend request on facebook. Candace Robinson
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/candacemom2two/status/17802950…
Thanks so much for the contest and can't wait to read your books!
x1 Thank you so much for this contest!!
x2 Follower on Twitter: @magabygc
x1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/magabygc/status/17803397617
magabygc AT gmail.com
I just bought your book at Barnes and Noble In Shreveport friday. Sorry to miss the signing, though I did get a autographed copy. Already done reading it and it's awesome! So great to have a local writer.
I picked up my copy on July 3rd. Now, I just need to take a picture. I want to get the pups to pose without eatting the book. π
already follow on facebook & twitter @heatwave316
pimpage aka twitter – http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/17833115172
I got the book the day it came out. I just read it and had to find out when the next one came out (so far from now!) lol but I loved it and I'm recomending the Jane True series to everyone I know! They all love it!
Sweet! I bought the book the other day and already sent you an email with my pic.. I follow you on facebook and twitter already as well.
I sent Orbit an email, through their website, about sending you to Florida for a book tour as well as Jaye Wells and Jennifer Rardin. So hopefully they reply back. Maybe I should send similar emails from my other addresses… What do you think? π
Happy Release Day!
I even pre-ordered my copy of Tracking the Tempest, but unfortunatly, I haven´t received it yet. That´s what you get for living in Germany!
I reviewed Tempest rising here on my blog http://readingonthedarkside.blogspot.com/2010/07/… and on goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6389874-tempes….
I also pimped your giveaway in the same post on my blog! π
I bought both your books on amazon.de. I´ll send pictures of my copies via mail!
Posted links to contest on deviant Art, Facebook, and Twitter. Sending picture of my copy of Tempest Rising.
So here is a link to my blog http://zita-h.livejournal.com/ where I review TTT. I have also reviewed it on Goodreads and the Chapters web site. π
Congratulations Nicole on your new release.
I am following you on twitter. @CrystalGB
I sent a facebook friend request. Crystal Br….
Okay I'm ready for book 3!
I loved it! I'm totally looking forward to #3! Jane is such an awesome heroine!
looks like a intersting story
Love love love, want want want!
Follower here, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads (Gawd, I sound like a stalker!)
I've bought both and will attempt to send pix on my phone…
Reviewed Tempest rising here.. .http://vampiresandtofu.blogspot.com/2010/06/tempest-rising.html
Jane is my fave and I seriously would love to win this prize pack galore!
http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6389874 I don't know if I did that right, it should have my Goodreads review.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2WC3IAN8004… For Amazon.
Bought both books today! You are fab and LOVE the contest ideas!! π
I hope you like my pics and i love your book and i cant wait tell book #3 We love you Nicole!!!!
+1 Congrats on your release!
+10 sent proof for both books
+3 Tempest Rising review:
+2 follow on twitter @throuthehaze
+2 Facebook friend-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I've just finished Tracking the Temptest and I loved It.
I can't wait the next book!
L~O~V~E this Series!! Just finished reviewing both books on Amazon and there's also a discussion started on upcoming book 3. Ms. Peeler, glad to see your participation there! π …now, write fast!! 1-1-11 can't come soon enough!!
Ok, I love Jane True. This is one of my favorite UF series.
Here is my book at home (http://ellzreadz.blogspot.com/2010/07/imm-30.html) on top right where she belongs.
review links…
1. http://ellzreadz.blogspot.com/2010/07/review-trac…
2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/AQ25U…
3. http://my.barnesandnoble.com/communityportal/revi…
4. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7556058-tracki…
(I posted reviews for TR previously, but I am pretty sure you said OR)
I stalk you on facebook and twitter
tweeet http://twitter.com/EllzReadz/status/19074273583
facebook post http://www.facebook.com/people/Ellz-Readz/1000009…
Love your writing- keep up the great work Nicole!
I tweeted:
Great contest!
I just finished your first book, and I can't wait to read the second!