Thanks, ya'll!

I just sent off my dedication, acknowledgements, and my short interview to Orbit.

Thanks to EVERYONE who contributed questions!  I could only answer eight, so it was tough to choose which ones.  But with the help of Jennifer Flax, from Orbit, we narrowed them down.

We tried to address a range of topics, from Tempest Rising, to me as a writer, and to the next book, Tracking the Tempest.  So not everything would fit, but they were all fabulous questions.

That said, I will be answering ALL of the questions in a FAQ that I will eventually attach to this site.  Eventually should be closer than not, as a lot of the questions come from an interview that I’m doing very soon.  

So keep your eyes peeled for the FAQ, and for the interview in the back of the book!  And thanks again, to all of you.  I’m so chuffed, as a debut writer, to have so much support from both friends and future readers!

One thought on “Thanks, ya'll!”

  1. Looking forward to seeing your books develop!

    Let me know if ARCs will be available for Tempest Rising. I'd be very interested in reading and reviewing it for my blog!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Jess*

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